Car Tyres and Your Safety (2177KB PDF)
Tyres are the only parts of the car which are in contact with the road. Safety in acceleration, braking, steering and cornering all depend on a relatively small area of road contact.
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Caravan Tyres and Your Safety (1717KB PDF)
Tyres are the only parts of the caravan which are in contact with the road. It is therefore of paramount importance that tyres should be maintained in good condition at all times and that when the time comes to change them the correct replacements are fitted.
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Motorhome Tyres and Your Safety (2749KB PDF)
Whatever the vehicle safe driving is extremely important and one major factor overlooked is the tyres. Look after the tyres properly and you will improve the safety and behaviour of your motorhome.
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Cold Weather Tyres and Your Safety (192KB PDF)
As winter approaches, drivers should start planning for whatever the weather may throw at them. If you need convincing, just think back to previous winters; you can be sure there is always a good mix of snow, ice, rain and dry spells. To cope with this mix of different road conditions, drivers need winter weather tyres.
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Tyre Safety Information Source: https://www.tyresafe.org
TyreSafe is, a non profitable, non commercial organization set up with the responsibility of raising the awareness of the importance of the dangers of defective and worn tyres.